Tuesday, August 13, 2013

EDUCATION PROFILE: The Australian Institute of Music (AIM)

The Aus?tralian Insti?tute of Music (AIM) is delighted to announce that as of Jan?u?ary 2014 it will be open?ing its doors in Mel?bourne. AIM has been deliv?er?ing world-class music and cre?ative arts train?ing in Syd?ney since 1968. AIM is thrilled to announce its expan?sion into Mel?bourne and with a rep?u?ta?tion as one of the lead?ing schools for today?s music and cre?ative indus?tries, AIM Mel?bourne is excited to offer music stu?dents an inde?pen?dent, pro?fes?sional and unique ter?tiary edu?ca?tion, unlike any other. Known as the live music cap?i?tal of Aus?tralia, Mel?bourne is the ideal loca?tion for AIM?s new cam?pus. Its indus?try con?nec?tions attract the very best teach?ing staff, vis?it?ing artists and lec?tur?ers, with the most diverse range of music, enter?tain?ment and per?form?ing arts degrees, any?where in Australia.

Tell us about the loca?tion of the new Mel?bourne cam?pus.
AIM Mel?bourne is cen?trally located in the CBD at 120 King St, Mel?bourne. The cam?pus is one block from South?ern Cross Sta?tion and close to trams and Flinders St Station.

What courses will be offered at the Mel?bourne cam?pus?
AIM Mel?bourne will be offer?ing a Diploma and Degree courses in Con?tem?po?rary Per?for?mance, Com?po?si?tion & Music Pro?duc?tion and Enter?tain?ment Man?age?ment in Trimester 1, 2014, and will be intro?duc?ing all of the courses offered in Syd?ney from?2015.

Intro?duce us to the Con?tem?po?rary Per?for?mance Music course.
The Con?tem?po?rary Per?for?mance music course is highly prac?ti?cal and will give stu?dents thor?ough train?ing in all things con?tem?po?rary music, taught by some of the most tal?ented musi?cians in the coun?try. Stu?dents will learn to per?form with skill and con?fi?dence, with an under?stand?ing of musi?cal con?cepts and the abil?ity to adapt to almost any play?ing sit?u?a?tion on demand.

And the Com?po?si?tion & Music Pro?duc?tion course?
Com?po?si?tion & Music Pro?duc?tion at AIM ensures that stu?dents receive rel?e?vant indus?try prepa?ra?tion, in both com?po?si?tion and music pro?duc?tion for song?writ?ing, instru?men?tal music, elec?tronic music, and/or music for media. Indi?vid?ual skills com?bined with col?lab?o?ra?tive strate?gies pre?pare stu?dents for a life?long career in today?s music, enter?tain?ment and cre?ative arts industry.

The Bach?e?lor of Enter?tain?ment Man?age?ment sounds inter?est?ing.
Yeah, it?s a very holis?tic course in that cov?ers every?thing both a musi?cian and aspir?ing music indus?try or enter?tain?ment pro?fes?sional would need to suc?ceed in their cho?sen field. As AIM meets the demands of today?s fast-paced and ever-evolving enter?tain?ment indus?try, exam?in?ing both the artis?tic and the com?mer?cial sides of the busi?ness, as well as explor?ing the dynamic between the two is very impor?tant. The degree has a strong focus on the com?mer?cial music indus?try, but also con?sid?ers the not-for-profit sec?tor?too.

Are there oppor?tu?ni?ties for stu?dents to trans?fer between Syd?ney and Mel?bourne?
From 2015 stu?dents will have the oppor?tu?nity to trans?fer from the Syd?ney cam?pus to Mel?bourne, and vice?versa.

What can Mel?bourne stu?dents look for?ward to with the cam?pus and facil?i?ties?
The state of the art facil?i?ties that are avail?able to stu?dents in the Syd?ney cam?pus, will be reflected in Mel?bourne, with pur?pose built rehearsal spaces, music pro?duc?tion suites, indi?vid?ual pri?vate music les?son stu?dios, a brand new world class per?for?mance venue on cam?pus and music indus?try staff on hand, stu?dents can develop the con?fi?dence and skills needed to pur?sue a suc?cess?ful life long career in the music indus?try and wider enter?tain?ment fields.

Will AIM stu?dents have the oppor?tu?nity to work hands on with Melbourne?s live music scene includ?ing the numer?ous venues and count?less artists?
Heads of Depart?ment and staff in Mel?bourne have won?der?ful indus?try con?tacts allow?ing for stu?dents to cre?ate strong and pro?fes?sional rela?tion?ships in the Mel?bourne music and enter?tain?ment indus?tries. AIM is con?stantly expand?ing and with that, the list of indus?try con?tacts is grow?ing expo?nen?tially. This can range from con?nec?tions with pro?lific live music venues as well as iconic and estab?lished Aus?tralian and Inter?na?tional artists. Stu?dents of AIM are given the tools to work in a pro?fes?sional capac?ity in these envi?ron?ments and have the oppor?tu?ni?ties to poten?tially use these con?tacts to expand and develop their careers.

Impor?tant AIM dates and infor?ma?tion evenings:
Appli?ca?tions are now open for Diploma and Music Degree courses start?ing in Mel?bourne, Jan?u?ary?2014.

Find out more about AIM Mel?bourne at the Mel?bourne Infor?ma?tion Evening, Wednes?day 28 August 6-8pm at the Inter?con?ti?nen?tal Hotel, 495 Collins Street Mel?bourne. Hear from AIM ambas?sador John Fore?man, Heads of Depart?ments, grad?u?ates, cur?rent stu?dents and the music indus?try. Learn about AIM?s courses, career paths and study options. Spe?cial guest per?for?mances from for?mer stu?dents and stars of The Voice 2013, Josh Kyle and Celia?Pavey.

AIM Con?tacts:
Phone: 1300 301 983
Web?site: www.aim.edu.au

Source: http://mixdownmag.com.au/2013/08/13/education-profile-the-australian-institute-of-music-aim/

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