Feb 06
Community ArticlesShambhala and Society
Post a Comment February 6, 2012 ? 6:00 am | Permalink |Worldwide discussions about Shambhala and Society took place during the first Shambhala Lineage Festival. Many people devoted time to contemplating and discussing key themes: Shambhala as a society itself ? kind and unkind ? and the role that Shambhalians are playing in the larger society around them. Each day I am sharing three quotations on these themes drawn from reports around the world. They start below the link to a short film I just made in London about War, Peace and Shambhala Vision
War and PeaceManifesting Kindness
When did you feel you had a direct experience of being in a culture of kindness in Shambhala and what it was that made you experience that kindness?
?I was experiencing a toxicity in life, which I associated with [the city where I live] I thought the city made me this way and other people seemed to agree with me. I found Shambhala and checked out the center. It blew me away ? people made eye contact with me, they smiled, they came up and said thank you. I would work there on Sundays just because I had experienced so much love and appreciation for just being. I?d never felt that before.?
A lack of kindness
When have you felt you were definitely not part of a culture of kindness in Shambhala?and what made you feel this way? What could you do to make sure others do not have that experience?
A mother spoke about feeling left out as a parent within Shambhala: ?Sometimes I?d be left out because of assumptions that I wouldn?t have time,? she said. ?I have felt like a pioneer in bringing children along to events even when told there was nothing for the children. I was at an event. The parents had to sort out child care amongst themselves and so I looked after the kids and missed the talk from my teacher. A leader could consider the needs of parents.?
Shambhala in the world around us
How are you bringing the Shambhala teachings and practice into your life and work in society?
?I work in the poorest community in the School District and the challenges are enormous,? said a teacher. ?I love these kids, and my work. This is my way of living the vision of an enlightened society. This is my path, and it is tremendously rewarding work. I teach math, love, and perseverance.?
Please feel free to explore the full report.
From: From our President
Source: http://shambhalatimes.org/2012/02/06/shambhala-and-society-2/
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